Monday, May 19, 2014

Up close and personal with Author – S. E. Gilchrist: Bound series

Where were you born and where do you call home?
I’m a born and bred Novastrian, ie Newcastle Australia and now I live a thirty minute drive inland in the Hunter Valley with my three adult children, two dogs and two cats.

How many books have you written?  If more than one, are any a series…or trilogy?
At time of writing, I have nine e-books published. Four in my sci fi romance world, two in my Bound series, another two short novellas in a post-apocalyptic futuristic series and a stand alone, rural, contemporary romance.

What is the name of your most recent book and please sum it up in 50 words or less. My last release was Star Pirate’s Justice in February 2014. Carly has one focus in her life: to return home to her terminally ill younger sister. When she learns that a Darkon traitor possesses gateway maps to Earth, she uses all her skills to track him down. But capturing the charming star pirate turns out to be trickier than she anticipated…

Do you have plans for a new book? I always have plans for new stories! At the moment I’m writing two novellas in my sci fi world, another contemporary rural romance and finishing off a NA futuristic novel.

Is there an Author that you would really like to meet? I’d love to meet Agatha Christie, Elizabeth Peters, John Birminham and Linnea Sinclair. Oh, and I cant forget Tolkien. Actually too many to count.

Are you a self- published (Indie) Author? I’m what I believe is called a hybrid author. I’ve indie (self published) four stories and have five published by ebook publishers.

Who designed the cover of your book? My two Bound books were re-designed by Paradox Book Cover Designs and I love them. Patti also did up a cover for a third book in this series (which I have yet to write).

Do you find yourself intrigued by the cover of a book enough to buy it?   A vibrant cover will catch my eye but it’s the blurb that will sell it for me.

Do you have any advice for other writers? Persevere, learn as much as you can, attend workshops, conferences (on-line ones or how-too books if dollars are tight) and find a supportive face to face writing group.

Do you write under a pen name?  Actually I write under my maiden name.

An early childhood memory -  I was on a train travelling up to visit my great Aunt and would have been about two and a half years old. I remember fighting with my older brother for the top bunk!

Do you ever write in your PJ’s? No but I do prefer to write in my ‘comfort’ clothes. In winter that’s track pants and sloppy joe and my awesome ugg boots my kids bought for me and summer usually a tank top and shorts.

Any pets that you would like to tell us about, share a pic? I’m a pushover for animals and keen on animal welfare. We have two dogs and two cats. Our cats are rescue cats, which I caught from my day job and have brought home and they are very affectionate and loving.

Do you write outside of your favorite genre?  Why? My rural contemporary romance is definitely far removed from science fiction / action / adventure stories. I wanted to write a story my mother would read (ie no aliens and the bedroom door must stay closed). I found I enjoyed the experience and hope to continue to write other stories, particularly small town stories in the future.

In your case, how many hours do you devote to research and writing per day? Hard to evaluate since I work full time and my writing is squeezed into my spare time. Over one week I try to get in a minimum of 10 to 12 hours.

What are 4 things you never leave home without (apart from keys, money and phone)? My kids (now adults – lol), my dogs, my cats and my photos of my family.

Sleep in or get up early? I’m up early, my dogs would not allow me to sleep in. Its walk time at 6.30am every day.

Where is one place in the world that you would really love to visit someday? England.

One of your favorite quotes - Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

What is a movie or TV show that you watched just recently and really enjoyed? The Sherlock series.

Where can your readers stalk you?
My Goodreads author

Is your book in Print, ebook or both?  Ebook however I’m working on POD for my indie published titles.

Please support indie authors and share this post on facebook, twitter and everywhere else you can think of :) Patti

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