Hi Amy, where were you born and where do you call home?
I’ve lived in Kentucky all my life. I was born
in Owensboro and have lived in Paducah, Danville, and Lexington, but I grew up
in Louisville, and minus seven years during college and early married life, it’s
been home since first grade.
Tell us about something that has just happened or is about to happen in your life that you would like to share.
My first book is about to launch in August!
I’m so excited about that. Also, my oldest son just got married, and they
adopted an English Mastiff puppy. Now I have a new daughter-in-law and a new
What is the name of your most recent book and if you had to sum it up in
30 or less words, what would you say?
Murder & Mayhem In Goose Pimple Junction is my book that’s about to launch. It’s a murder mystery with quirky characters, a
little bit of romance and a lot of Southern humor.
If you gave one of your characters an opportunity to speak for
themselves, what would they say?
Tess would have words with me over keeping her
apart from Jackson for so long. She’s not happy with all of the roadblocks I
threw in their way. Come to think of it, Jackson would like to have a few words
with me too.
Yes, this is book one of a series. I’ve completed
the second book, and I’m currently working on the third. Book two is titled, Heroes & Hooligans In Goose Pimple
Patti says: you have to join the facebook page for Indie Authors that was created for Authors to tell us all about their soon to be released books. You can share excerpts of your book, cover... anything you like. don't forget to upload your cover and book trailer there! Here is the link (and all welcome) - http://www.facebook.com/groups/415097921867041/
Patti says: you have to join the facebook page for Indie Authors that was created for Authors to tell us all about their soon to be released books. You can share excerpts of your book, cover... anything you like. don't forget to upload your cover and book trailer there! Here is the link (and all welcome) - http://www.facebook.com/groups/415097921867041/
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
All three! I read ebooks when I go out and
have to kill time waiting for someone or something, and I read paperbacks at
home. But there’s nothing like holding a hardcover book in your hands. If I had
to pick one, I’d pick hardcover.
Where do you prefer to buy your books?
I like to support Indie bookstores like
Carmichael’s Bookstore in Louisville. If they don’t have what I want, I usually
buy from betterworldbooks.com or amazon.com.
What book would you like to read again?
I’d happily read anything by Robert B. Parker
multiple times. (And have on several occasions.)
Who designed the cover of your book?
I found Karen Mathison Schmidt online, and I think she did a fantastic job of illustrating my Goose Pimple Junction. I think she’s brilliant. I love her work and can’t say enough about it.
I found Karen Mathison Schmidt online, and I think she did a fantastic job of illustrating my Goose Pimple Junction. I think she’s brilliant. I love her work and can’t say enough about it.
Do you have a book trailer?
I do! Thank you, Patti, for doing a fantastic job on it. You can find it
here: You can also view it on the bottom of this post - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vIbieSgVjk
What are your thoughts on book trailers?
In today’s market, I think it’s smart to have a book trailer. If they’re
done right they can be a valuable promotional tool.
What are your pet peeves? Mean people and bad grammar. Mean people who use poor grammar are the worst!
Any pets that you would like to tell us about, share a pic?
White wine or red?
Sweet tea—the wine of the South!
Coffee or tea?
Sweet tea, of course.
So you like to cook? Do you have a favorite food?
I love to bake. If it’s chocolate, lemon, or
cheesecake, it’s a good bet I’m going to love it.
Vanilla or chocolate ice-cream?
Chocolate. Unless it’s in a hot fudge sundae,
and then it has to be vanilla.
What are 4 things you never leave home without (apart from keys, money
and phone)?
Lipstick, sunglasses, my Reader glasses, and a book loaded on my iPhone. My mother drilled into me to always have lipstick on, my eyes are very sensitive to the sun and I panic if I don’t have my sunglasses, and now that I’m over fifty, I can’t read a thing without my glasses. The day I discovered bifocal reader sunglasses, I was a happy girl. And I hate to sit and wait, but if I have a book I’m good for hours.
Sleep in or get up early?
Lipstick, sunglasses, my Reader glasses, and a book loaded on my iPhone. My mother drilled into me to always have lipstick on, my eyes are very sensitive to the sun and I panic if I don’t have my sunglasses, and now that I’m over fifty, I can’t read a thing without my glasses. The day I discovered bifocal reader sunglasses, I was a happy girl. And I hate to sit and wait, but if I have a book I’m good for hours.
Sleep in or get up early?
Both! During the school year I get up at 6:30
to make my son’s breakfast and lunch, and to get him off to school. Then I go
back to bed for a few more hours. I usually am up writing until one or two
a.m., so once my son leaves for school, I have to go back to bed for more
sleep. During the summer it’s pretty much the same. I stay up way too late and
sleep in way too long.
Laptop or desktop for writing?
Laptop. I love my MacBook. I’m on my second
one. I wore the letters off the keys of the first one and filled the hard drive
to the max. It’s now my backup.
Your favorite gadget -
Your favorite gadget -
iPhone. I don’t know how I managed to live
without one.
One of your favorite quotes -
Oh boy, I collect quotes like a bag lady collects tin cans. To pick
one…hmmm…how about one I recently came across: To laugh often and much, to win
the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the
appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to
appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child, a garden patch…to know even one life has breathed
easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded! ~Emerson
An actor or a book character you have a crush on –
Robert B. Parker’s Spenser, hands down. John
Sandford’s Lucas Davenport is a close second.
Where can your readers stalk you?
My facebook page:
My Goodreads author page:
Amazon: (I’ll know these links in about a month)
Is your book in Print, ebook or both?
It will be available in both.