Where were you born and where do you call home?

Tell us about something that has just happened or is about to happen in your life that you would like to share.
After writing and illustrating children's books, I decided to try Fantasy Romance. I loved writing romance so much that I am also writing two more series. Plus I have Comedy/Horror story half written too. I also have two children’s books that need editing before publishing. It’s just finding the time.
What inspired you to start writing, and when?
As a young child, I missed a lot of schooling due to childhood illnesses and operations. Unfortunately, I had an extremely mean teacher for the next few years, who never helped me to catch up to the other students. Instead, she used to send me home with another girl that got behind with her lessons. Of course we never went home or told our parents. We used to go to the park or climb up the mountains of rubble from a demolished building we called The Brick Field. We even rummaged through garbage bins and collected used bubblegum from the pavement to make a giant ball. One day we spied through the kitchen window of a little boy we liked at school. Of course we got caught and busted for that. My parents ended up banning me from playing with my best friend so when I was older and finally learned how to write better, I turned my childhood memoirs into fictitious children’s books, which became my Rascals Series.
How many books have you written? If more than one, are any a series…or trilogy?
I have Written and published seven books and have another ten that I’m writing at the moment. I have written and published two in my Ominous Series and I’m presently writing the third. There will be more in that series, then I’ll be starting my Innocent Love Series and My Delusional Series. My Children’s series are, The Rascals, Velvet Ball & The Broken Fairy, and Molly Gumnut.
What is the name of your most recent book and please sum it up in 50 words or less.
Fallen Angel is a prequel to Ominous Love. It’s a fantasy romance where two guardian angels fall in love with the same girl and fight for her heart. I wrote Ominous Love first, but fans requested more history on why the angels both wanted the same girl.
If you gave one of your characters in any of your books an opportunity to speak for themselves outside the realm of the story, what would they say?
Nathaniel would say: “I never chose to fall for a human, it just happened. Whether I’m banished to Earth or have my wings, I will do my utmost to save Eloise from Evil and protect her from danger. She is my only reason for being.
Do you have plans for a new book?
I have so many new books started and even some book covers all ready.
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
eBook. I love reading in the dark on my iPad and know it will turn off if I fall asleep. Plus you don’t have to hold them.
Where do you prefer to buy your books?
Amazon, Smashwords, iTunes.
Are you a self- published (Indie) Author?
Yes, and proud of it, since I taught myself to write, publish, and market my books.
Who designed the cover of your book?
Patti Roberts: Paradox Book Covers and Design.
Do you find yourself intrigued by the cover of a book enough to buy it?
What Music inspires your writing?
Nathaniel Willemse, Birdy, Bruno Mars, One Direction, and Robin Thick. Oh, and Taylor Henderson.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Never give another author a bad review. If you really don’t like a book, don’t review it.
Did you have a favorite toy as a child?
Yes, a doll that my father bought me. I loved that doll, but had to leave it in the hospital a year later as the nurses said it had germs. I was terribly upset, and even though my dad bought me another doll, it wasn’t the same. I believed my dolls were real and could feel pain.
An early childhood memory
When I was six, I accidently wet my pants because the teacher wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom during class. At playtime, I sneaked to the back of the classroom and stuffed them down the back of the radiator to dry. Trouble was they stunk out the classroom and the teacher checked everyone to see who was wet. She didn’t suspect me cause my pants were warm and dry.
Do you ever write in your PJ’s?
Oh, yes. I love writing in my pajamas. Especially when I’m near the end of a book and keep going day and night.
What are your pet peeves?
Power cuts when there are storm, especially when you’re uploading a new book to publish.
Any pets that you would like to tell us about, share a pic?
What are your favorite food and beverage?
Stir fried veggies, curries. Veggie Juice, Yogurt smoothies, Herb teas.
What hobbies do you have not relating to writing?
I love power walking on the highway because there are no bumps to trip over like in my surrounding streets. We live on a country dirt road.
I also love doing a doing weights. I build rock walls when I have stones to work with. I uses to sew and make rag dolls and their clothes before I started writing, then I would photograph them in the woods. Here is a link to see them: http://trish-mollygumnut. blogspot.com.au/2012/03/my- raggedy-tots.html
Do you write outside of your favorite genre? Why?
Yes, if a story pops into my head. I’ve written: Children’s Books, Fantasy Romance, kids songs, and I’m writing Comedy/Horror, plus a Cookery Book. I plan other genres as well.
In your case, how many hours do you devote to research and writing per day?
I average sixteen hours per day.
What are 4 things you never leave home without (apart from keys, money and phone)?
iPAd, iPhone. Note book & pen, makeup.
Sleep in or get up early?
Both, depending. I write and sleep when I’m falling asleep at the computer.
Laptop or desktop for writing?
Your favorite gadget -
Where and when do you prefer to do your writing?
In my home office anytime.
Where is one place in the world that you would really love to visit someday?
List 3 of your favorite movies?
Man of Steel, Gone With The Wind, Ghost.
An actor, author or a book character you admire.
Angeline Jolie
What is a movie or TV show that you watched just recently and really enjoyed?
Man of Steel with Henry Cavil. Loved it!
If your book was made into a TV series or Movie, what actors would you like to see playing your characters? Feel free to add pics.
Henry Cavill for Nathaniel. Birdie or Selina Gomez for Eloise. Johnny Ruffo for the cheeky Tom. But for Devlin, well that’s a hard one. Here is my Pinterest board of who I would like to play my characters;
Where can your readers stalk you?
My Adult blog:http://patriciapuddle. blogspot.com.au/

My Website:http://childrens- books-author-p-puddle.com/
My facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/ patricia.puddle
My Goodreads author page:http://www.goodreads.com/ author/show/4488220.Patricia_ Puddle
Twitter:https://twitter.com/ TrishaPuddle
Pinterest:http://www. pinterest.com/trishapuddle/
Is your book in Print, ebook or both?
My books are in both.
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview, it has been fun, and allowing us a glimpse into your writing word. I hope you share this interview with your friends so we can all get to know you a little better.
Patti Roberts.
Author/Book cover designer & format
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Enjoyed reading this review. Patricia Puddle is an author to watch!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, John M W Smith!