Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Author Interview with USA TODAY BEST SELLING AUTHOR, Luke Romyn - The Legacy Chronicles

Book Description from Amazon: Haunted by the toxic memories of a torturous foster-father, Jacob Hope yearns to make a difference in a world gone awry, trying to accomplish some small scrap of good in an ocean of wrong. Tumbling through life with no true direction, Jake unwittingly reveals a nightmare.

The gates of Hell have been unlocked, and something long imprisoned has broken loose from its shackles to roam free upon the Earth. It cannot be bargained with, it cannot be defeated, and it exists with only desolation in its heart....

Longing to confront such evil but not knowing how, Jake must embark upon a journey not only of destination, but of self-discovery. In his attempts to thwart a fallen angel, Jake must also come to grips with his own part in this almighty drama.

For above it all haunts the inheritance he alone must bear, a legacy which will save or doom all of mankind.

What inspired you to start writing, and when? I just started. There was no great thought put into the process. I’m a very spontaneous person, so when I do things they tend to be on the spur of the moment. I just remember thinking I wanted to write a book, so I did – you know, after I tore out all my hair and finished bashing my face against a keyboard for several years.

What is your preferred genre? Action and Adventure. I’ve always loved Indiana Jones style adventures and try to incorporate a little of that into each of my novels.

How many books have you written?  If more than one, are any a series…or trilogy? I just published my eighth novel. There are two series involved in that as well as a standalone novel.

Tell us a little about your book. My latest series asks the question: What if the man chosen to save humanity was just a normal guy? Jacob Hope discovers one day he is the new messiah, destined to walk the human race through Armageddon. Along the way he needs to learn how to fight demons and fallen angels, all the while trying to figure out how to close off the gates of Hell.

Do you have plans for a new book? I’m already writing my ninth. It’s shaping up nicely.

Is there an Author that you would really like to meet? I recently met Raymond E. Feist at Comic Con. He’s one of my all-time favorite fantasy writers and was absolutely lovely in person.

Was there an Author that inspired your writing? There were, and are, many. Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Lee Child, George R. R. Martin, Raymond E. Feist, David Gemmell just to name a few. Authors should never stop being inspired.

Do you plot or write by the seat of your pants? I would if I wore pants.

What is it that you enjoy most about writing? Escaping into worlds of my own creation and bringing a little escapism into the life of someone I will probably never know.

Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover? I’ve always read paperbacks, but am currently reading on an ereader. On a recent overseas trip I relied solely on my ereader rather than lugging around cases full of books. But an ereader looks so lonely by itself on a bookshelf.

Where do you prefer to buy your books? I recently met the folks from Mysterious Galaxy bookstore in San Diego and loved buying from them.  

Are you a self- published (Indie) Author? I’ve worked with both agents and publishers and have found the indie road works best for me at the moment. That isn’t to say I wouldn’t work with a publisher again, but I love the control and freedom I have as an indie.

What books would you like to read again? I’m currently reading The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen Donaldson for the first time since I was a kid. It brings a whole new perspective to the story when reading it through adult eyes.

Is there a particular movie that you preferred over the book version? Definitely none of Stephen King’s. I think Game of Thrones translates the books quite well, but only because, as a television series, it is able to fit in so much more detail. Movies are forced to condense so much that a lot of the story is lost.

What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)? I usually read more than one book at a time. Apart from the Stephen Donaldson one (paperback) I mentioned above, I’m also reading The Stand by Stephen King (paperback), and A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin (ebook).

Who designed the cover of your book? I do all my own cover designs.

Do you find yourself intrigued by the cover of a book enough to buy it? Not a cover alone. But a good cover combined with a fascinating book description would definitely drag me in.

Do you have any advice for other writers starting out? You don’t fail so long as you refuse to give up. Grow a thick skin and plow through all the negativity that is sure to assail you. If your writing touches one person it is all worthwhile.

Do you write under a pen name? If I did I’ve chosen a bad one. Nobody can even pronounce my last name. No, that’s my name on the books, exposed for all the world to see.

Do you ever write in your PJ’s? I write in whatever I’m wearing at the time. The beauty of working in your own home is clothing is always optional.

What are your pet peeves? Whining. I absolutely despise it.

You are trapped on a tropical island – who would you like to be stranded with? Wilson the Volleyball.

Pick one - Wine, Chocolate or shoes? You do realize I’m a guy, right? I guess I’ll go with shoes.

Cats or dogs? Guinea pigs.

Tell us about someone or something that just made your day – I got to meet Raymond E. Feist at Comic Con recently and managed to have a short chat with him. He is one of my all time favorite authors and turned out to be a really nice person. I couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day.

What is your favorite food and beverage? Chili chicken kebabs. Beverage is lemon squash.

How many hours per day do you try to devote to research and writing? Between 8 – 15 hours on my normal weekdays. On the weekends when I work nights I generally only manage about 4 or 5.

What are 3 things you never leave home without (apart from keys, money and phone)? Pants, hands, and a dash of devastating charm.

Sleep in or get up early? I work days and nights. Sleep is a rare commodity.

Laptop or desktop for writing? Definitely desktop. I need space for clutter.

Your favorite gadget? My Samsung tablet or phone.

Where and when do you prefer to do your writing? Always in my office, every day without fail.

Your thoughts on receiving book reviews - the good and the bad. The good ones are great; they’re what authors live for. The bad ones not so much. Not all books are for all readers, and you can’t please everybody. Getting a bad review is like filtering out people who aren’t meant to read your work, but if my writing helps a single person smile or escape from their daily drudgery for a short time, then all the bad reviews in the world are worth it. I don’t write for the people who dislike my work, and as such I shouldn’t be affected by their words.

Do you have a bucket list? Not really. I just like to live for the moment, not for tomorrow or yesterday, just right now.

One of your favorite quotes – “Smooth seas don’t make skillful sailors.”

List 3 of your favorite movies? Troy, Gladiator, and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

What is a movie or TV show that you watched just recently and really enjoyed? Game of Thrones.

Publishing his first book, The Dark Path, in 2009 saw it voted in the top 10 horror novels of that year, even though Luke denies ever intending the novel to be classed as horror.

Luke Romyn has gone on to become a USA Today best selling author and is now one of the most popular indie authors in the ever-growing eBook market. 

He personally completes everything from cover art to final formatting, working tirelessly with editors to refine the best stories possible for his readers. The results are international bestsellers you're certain to love diving into. Hundreds of thousands of readers can't be wrong.

Where can your readers stalk you? I’m on Facebook, Twitter, and they can contact me through my website,

Is your book in Print, ebook or both? All my books are both print and ebook.

Do you give free ebooks away in exchange for honest reviews? No, although one of my reviews on Amazon claims I did, which was just weird. All my reviews are from people who felt the urge to share their views, not people who felt compelled to do so because of a free book.

Book links: All the links for my books can be found here:

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your writing world.


Please support indie authors and share this interview with your friends. 

Patti Roberts
Author/Book cover designer and book formatter - ebook and print.

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