Thursday, August 25, 2011

My name is Anna. And I am a blogger! This is my blog - Literary Exploration

Where were you born and where do you call home?
* I was born and raised in San Jose! I'm about as local as it gets :)

How long have you been blogging
* Not very long actually! Only a few months. I started my blog in March but only got really into recently. In fact, I'm hosting my first giveaway to celebrate 25 followers pretty soon :)

What is the name of the book you most recently blogged about?
*Afterlife by Claudia Gray

What did you think about the cover?
*It was okay... pretty much the same thing as all the other covers, but in a different cover. It doesn't really draw you in, which is sad.

If you could ask the Author 3 questions what would they be?
*How did you decide on the ending? Where did you come up with the idea to write about a half wraith, half vampire child? What was your main inspiration for writing this book?

Can you name one of your favorite chapters?
*The last one. Because it meant the series was over haha.

What was you most favorite character and why?
*Vic :) He's so silly and so fun, he was by far my favorite character. I'd love Gray to write a spinoff about him! I also adored Bathazar. I wish he was the main love interest *swoon*

If this book was part of a series, would you read the next book?
*It is part of a series! It was actually the end of one so thank goodness I'm not subjected to anymore.

Was this a book you were asked to review or did you buy it?
*Neither, I got it from the library.

Have you written a book yourself or are you planning to in the future?
*I'd like to someday. I used to write poetry but I never thought I was any good so I ended up getting rid of most of it. I tend to second guess myself and criticize myself too much. Hopefully someday I can overcome my fears and write something people will really enjoy :) I know I'll never be the next J.K. Rowling or C.S. Lewis but I'd love to write something for middle graders, something fantastical.

What genre is your favorite and why?
*Young adult, and within young adult, fantasy. I love immersing myself in a story written for a younger crowd. There's so much more actual fantasy involved. 

If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what 3 books would you want with you?
*Candid by Voltaire, Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling, and The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis.

Is there an Author that you would really like to meet?
*Number one would have to be J.K. Rowling, I grew up reading her books and I feel like she sort of assisted me during my adolescence. Her books always really spoke to me and even in the end her messages still resonate me. I'd love to sit down and talk with her sometime. But come on, I'd love to meet all the authors of all my favorite books!

Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
*Paperbacks to take to school, hardcover for at home, and ebooks when I want something cheaper.

Where do you prefer to buy your books?
*My first choice is Barnes and Noble because I'm a member and when you buy online you get an automatic 40% off the book (great deals!), plus free shipping. I also frequent the used bookstore near my house ALL THE TIME, if I want a book that's been out for awhile. 

Have you ever read a book more than once?
*Oh sure, the Harry Potter series, The Chronicles of Narnia, Candide, The Hunger Games, who knows how many else. I have a lot of favorites.

Is there a particular movie or TV series that you preferred over the book version?
*The Vampire Diaries, definitely. I love that show, I love how much more fearsome it is and dangerous. The plot is much more exciting too. The books sort of fell flat after the first 4 or so. I couldn't even read the newest one, it was just too weird.

What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?
*Pretty Little Liars, it's a paperback

What book do you know that you will never read?
*I've never really thought of that.... I don't think there's a book out there that I would ever refuse to read. Maybe put it off for awhile, but I'm sure I'd get around to it.

Are there any new Authors that have grasped your interest recently and why?
*Moira Young! I just finished Blood Red Road and it was absolutely amazing! I love her voice and her ability to describe such strong characters. Saba was such a great female protagonist you just wanted to be her. It took awhile to get used to the fact that she wrote without quotation marks and everyone spoke with an old western accent, but I can't wait to read more from her.

Have you read a book that you would like to rewrite the ending of?
*Oh God yes. Afterlife for one. That ending was just... weird.

What are your thoughts on book trailers?
*I don't usually watch them, I feel like sometimes seeing the actors who portray the characters in the book can ruin it. I like to create characters in my mind, and when I watch book trailers it eliminates that creative aspect.

Do you have a favorite book cover - chose up to 3 if you like.
*Probably Wither and The Hunger Games (I'm working on getting the mockingjay pin as a tattoo!!)

Do you ever blog in your PJ’s?
*I'm doing it right now!!

Sleep in or get up early?
*I'd much rather get up early. I feel like when I sleep in I'm wasting my day! I do tend to stay up late and read though. This creates an awful lack of sleep sometimes. 

Favorite color?

What are 3 items you never leave home without.
*My phone, my books, my money (to buy more books).

What is your most favorite electronic gadget?
*Write now my phone, but I'm hoping to get an iPad for Christmas. Which will be my new favorite.

Favorite book character or film character crush.  Yes you can pick 2 :)
*Ohhhh that's too hard! Can I pick more? Haha I'm definitely team Peeta ;) and the other would have to be Jace. He's just so dreamy, and so fun.

A character you love to hate.
*Snape, but in the end you just love him.

Cats or dogs?

White wine or red?
*White, well I prefer beer... I'm not really a winer.

Coffee or tea?
*Coffee... and more coffee.

Favorite food?
* Pasta

Vanilla or chocolate icecream?

What is a movie or TV show that you watched recently and really enjoyed?

Where can we STALK you?

Twitter: I have one but I don't know how to make it work....

Great answers Anna!  I would love to offer 2 of your readers a copy of my ebook to help you get more followers.  My book is Paradox - The Angels Are Here.  And one for you too if you would like to read it :) Patti
Australian ebook -  bookstore
Smashwords - all formats
US - ebook from Amazon
UK - ebook from Amazon
Barnes & Noble - Nook
Createspace Here (paperback)
Thesaurus Bookstore Melbourne - paperback in store soon.
YouTube Paradox Book Trailer
Paradox Blog


  1. I'm embarrassed by the amount of misspellings in my answers hahahah. I must have been so tired while righting this, thanks to the first day of school >:( It looks great though Patti, thanks so much!

  2. Most writers know how that feels :)

  3. Great interview :) Cant wait to read the book & visit the blog (again :) old follower but its a cool blog)


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