People that love to read and write books.
Abdul Salam Khan
@MrAsk Islamabad, Pakistan
Writer,Blogger,Webmaster,Social media enthusiast,Researcher,Swimmer,Traveler,Photographer,Cricket fanatic & a Good Friend indeed!
AJ Aalto
When not working on her horror novels, you can find her eavesdropping on strangers, stalking her doctor, or failing at her many fruitless hobbies.
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Alaiel Kreuz
@Sontrei Switzerland
I dream, I write to make my dreams come true, I have faith and I believe in mankind. Doesnt matter how many times you fall, you can always get up.
Author, Philosopher, Consutlant with a passion for the truth. Interested in knowing the mind, cosmology, and physics.
Author of Bloodletter and War of the Witch. Lover of books, writing, forensics, P90x and pole dancing for fitness.
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Arshad Ahsanuddin
@pactarcanum Canada
Vampire novelist, hematopathologist residing in Canada. The irony of a physician who specializes in blood disease writing vampire novels has not been lost on me
Bernard Schaffer
@ApiarySociety Philadelphia, PA
Author of the Women and Other Monsters short story collection available on KINDLE http://amzn.to/ivlvex and NOOK http://bit.ly/mGtDnz
@Blackbirdebooks London
Ebook/POD publisher and bookstore. Digital original quality fiction and non-fiction.
Christine Frost
@Shahrazad1001 Somerville, MA
Author, Veiled Mirror: The Story of Prince Vlad Dracula's Lost Love.
Brett Graham
Seeking out the best Independently published books and the authors who write them. I follow all indie authors, readers and other publishing related...
...Christin Mowery
@ChristinMowery Las Vegas, Nevada
My life is a beautiful catastrophe. I'm writing a paranormal series, which releases early 2012. For discounts & writer promos, follow me at @RavacaRewards!
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Dani Harper
@Dani_Harper Alaska
I’m a newspaper editor turned paranormal author. I also write romance but you’ll find that all of my stories have at least one foot in the netherworld...
Emma Davies
@BookAngel_Emma Wales
Mum of 3 girls. Secondary school librarian. Book obsessed. What more can I say :D
Evelyn Zant
@EvelynZant Virginia
Multi-genre author. Professional cynic. Coffee powered cyborg toaster.
Gary Wayne Clark
@earamas Los Angeles and Denver
Earamas™ is the alter ego of Gary Wayne Clark; award awaiting author, composer and venture capitalist for disruptive technology.
Guido Henkel
@GuidoHenkel Southern California
Creator and writer of the Jason Dark: Ghost Hunter supernatural mystery dime novel and eBook series (www.jasondarkseries.com)
GMTA Book Club
@GMTABOOKCLUB North Carolina
Combining the love of reading with the opinions of men and women in today's society. This groups focus is to read and discuss novels of various authors with the
Ian Weaver
@iwweaver Lincoln, UK
Retired RAF aircrew now full time house husband and author
Jayde Scott
ANCIENT LEGENDS Series Book 1 A JOB FROM HELL (paranormal YA) coming out on May 1st, 2011. Please check it out. xx
jillian brookes-ward
@jillywrites Scotland
Soft hearted writer of romantic fiction - see my works at www.jillywrites.weebly.com Live, love, write.
...John Phillip Backus
American science fiction, adventure fiction, and children’s fiction writer and storyteller. Author of the After The Fall post-apocalyptic series.
Kadin Seton
@KadinSeton Rochester, New York
Struggling writer who makes up stuff and puts it on paper.
Kelli Sue Landon
@kellisuelandon Illinois
Kelli Sue Landon is a new mystery novelist. Look for her short story collection Short Tales on Amazon. Her first novel, Sudden Moves, is now available!
Kenneth Hoss
@kennhoss Irving, Texas
Author of STORM RISING- A KELLI STORM NOVEL available at Smashwords.com. and the Amazon Kindle Store. Member of the Independent Authors Network.
lena hillbrand
@lenahillbrand Dirty south
Just another writer with something to say. The Superiors is now available in softcover and ebook formats. A different take on that whole vampire genre.
Lenore Wolfe
@LenoreWolfe Cedar Rapids
writing, marketing, living the dream... I write under both, Lenora Porch and Lenore Wolfe
Lillia Forsythe
@jishoutenshi Chicagoland
A struggling author with a passion for vampires. And robots. Oh, and mythological creatures. Oh yes, don't forget Japan. I like Japan.
Linda Eble Swain
@LindaSwain1950 Las Vegas, Nevada
, I've gone back into writing. My newest novel, Chasing Destiny, is due out this year in both e form as well as print. More to be told about that later!
@lindawisdom Southern CA
Multi-published paranormal romance author
Lisa M Lawrence
@lm_lawrence Michigan
I write YA and am a book addict. I have a bad habit of herding cats and dogs. I seek artful adventures~ gardening, film/photo, and cuisine. Medic. Dreamer.
Lucy D'Andrea
@MoonlightGleams Canada
Book Blogger & Reviewer of all genres, especially YA & Adult Paranormal Fiction!
Michael Radcliffe
@Alderdrache Kentucky
Owned by four ferocious felines, I spin stories out of the wisps of magic around me.
@LWHerndon United States
Author of urban fantasy, The Mark of Kane - Thaddeus Kane novels and indie novelist.
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Margot Kinberg
I'm a mystery novelist and Associate Professor from PA, living in CA. My most recent releases are Publish or Perish and B-Very Flat.
Matt Ward
@SkiveMagazine Newcastle NSW Australia
Magazine publisher, Book publisher, Website and Book Designer
Melissa S.
@chaoticreviews Kentucky, USA
PR friendly blogger. I love reviews and giveaways! If you'd like me to review your book or product, please contact chaoticbookobsession@live.com
Natasha Larry
@natashalarry Huntsville, AL
I write young adult-paranormal fiction and am a hopeless comic book nerd. Author of the Darwin's Children series.
Nicholas Denmon
@NicholasDenmon Saint Petersburg
Writer, politico and overall guy smiley. Author: America's best Mafia Thriller, FOR NOTHING. Available on E-Readers http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/59682
Nick Wastnage
@nickwastnage Beaconsfield, England
Crime writer and optimist; a rare combination. A lover of things wild and wonderful. Author of Electronic Crime in Muted Key.
Patricia Puddle
@TrishaPuddle Australia
I'm the author of Velvet Ball and The Broken Fairy and Star-Crossed Rascals. I also a volunteer for a wildlife rescue charity in Australia.
Patti Roberts
@PattiRoberts7 Cairns Queensland Australia
Paradox Series - Amazon http://t.co/gT8XR0A YouTube http://youtu.be/IovcxyZTFuU Blog http://theangelsarehere.wordpress.com/
Paul Kater
@pagan_paul Cuijk, Brabant, Netherlands
Pagan ICT-specialist music lover who reads and writes. Oh. Nuts about Avatar and Na'vi, as well.
P.H.C. Marchesi
YA fantasy author of Shelby and Shauna Kitt and the Dimensional Holes. Global citizen, stargazer, idealist, and lover of wonder, curiosity, and great books.
Phoebe Randerson
@PhoebeRanderson UK
Love writing, reading, daydreaming, red wine and good food
Robert Allen
@selfpubtucson Tucson, AZ
Self Publishing, Short Run Printing or Print-on-demand Resources for All of Arizona.
Robert Harris
Updates on bestselling author of Fatherland, Enigma, Conspirata, Imperium ... see fan page below.
Ron Knight
Author of adult fiction and Tween. Co-founder of UP Authors. Creator of over twenty board games. Used to work for McGraw Hill Publishing.
Sarah Isaias, MD
@anewsong4us Planet Earth
My first novel, the interfaith thriller, A New Song, is coming in spring 2011, Derusha Publishing. I am also a physician and a student of religion.
Scott Brick
@ScottBrick Studio City, CA
Scott is an American actor, writer and a prolific, award-winning narrator of hundreds of audiobooks, including In Cold Blood, Dune, and classic Sci-Fi faves.
@ScriptPhD Los Angeles, CA
Creative writer + scientist Jovana Grbic is changing the way science is perceived and penned one film, TV show, advertising campaign and news article at a time.
Sheilagh Lee
@SweetSheil London,Ontario,Canada
I write and am a crime,cozy mystery author; who's looking for a publisher for my book A Penny Saved A Murder Earned
Shoshana Sumrall F.
@ShoshanaSF Lincoln, NE
Author • Bookworm • Technical Writer
@Sidney_Williams Not really from around here.
Writer published by Crossroad Press, custodian of four cats. Interested in writerly and readerly Tweets and Tweeps.
@stephaniezia London
Ten Good Reasons To Lie About Your Age, my rom com novel for Leonard Cohen fans everywhere. Ebook now out £2.15/$3.41 http://blackbirdebooks.com/?page_id=1137
Susan Crimp
Award winning Documentarian, Seasoned Journalist and Author. New Fan of the 140 Character formula unless you are getting paid by the word!
...Terre Britton
@TheFourOrders Florida
Co-author of SciFi Thriller - Energetics: The First Order. Facebook http://ow.ly/55279 | Video http://ow.ly/5527N Mettle and zest!
Tim Rees
@stillsoul Cardiff, Wales
Passionate about writing fiction and some non-fiction! Aspiring to shine new colour in the world.
Trevor Hallam
@Deranged2 Calgary, Alberta
Author of GOD COMPLEX and a pretty nice guy. New novel in the works, too. http://www.facebook.com/GodComplexBook
William Green
@gsm_designer PA
Designer of facebook pages, web pages and I make book trailers for writers. http://bit.ly/greensocialmediadesign
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