Nick Wastnage | 2:58am Jun 15 |
Still free until June 30. NG43M.
Hi Nick, where do you call home?
I’ve lived all over the world, but I guess I call home where I’ve been living for the past twenty years – Beaconsfiled, England.
What is the name of your most recent book?
Electronic Crime in Muted Key.
It’s about a man who fakes his death to escape from his wife and lover. But they come after him.
If you gave some of your characters an opportunity to speak for themselves, what would they say?
Barry, the guy who fakes his death would say, ‘That’s a good job done!’
His wife would say, ‘Good riddance, Barry. But thanks for the insurance money.’
His lover would say. ‘I’m coming to get you, you bastard.’
Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?
It’s not part of a series but I have a new book coming out shortly, called Murder He Forgot, about a man who forgot he tried to kill his wife, twice!
What or who inspired you to write? And how long have you been writing?
I’ve always doodled and written short stories and wanted to express myself in words. I think I read a crime book once on holiday and thought; I can do better than that, so I gave it a try. I don’t know if I’ve succeeded.
Do you gift books to readers for book reviews?
Yes. Smashwords coupon: NG43M. Valid until 30 June. I’ll issue a new one after that.
How did you come up with the title and cover design?
Well, there is an international online fraud as part of the story, hence Electronic Crime. The Muted Key bit of the title is because the fraud only represents part of the story, but it is the glue that pulls it together.
I had a few ideas for the cover. I wanted something vibrant and striking, which portrayed some of the elements of the story.
Have you based any of your characters on someone you know, or real events in your own life?
That’s an interesting question. I’m a crime writer and I write about sinister individuals and murderers. I don’t know anybody like that. But I follow news a lot and get an idea from there and then embroider it. So I guess the answer is yes. But they’re events and characters in the public domain that I give a different twist to.
What books have most influenced your writing most and why?
The Turnaround and The Way Home by George Pelecanos because his stories burn into your brain and he writes in a crisp, incisive way
The Constant Gardener by John Le Carre because he manages to combine a moving love story with a fast moving thriller.
Bonfire of The Vanities by Tom Wolfe. It’s such a good story, so relevant for the time and brilliantly written.
Lisey’s Story by Stephen King because he can write a 700 to 800 page book and keep the reader sitting on the edge of their seat all the time.
Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts because he manages to turn his own life-changing experience into a terrific thriller.
Is there an Author that you would really like to meet?
It’s a toss up between Stephen King and George Pelecanos.
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
Actually, I like them all. I would never want to see the print book disappear but I take my Kindle everywhere for convenience and ease. A paperback is good, nice to thumb through and plonk down when you’ve read a good chapter. A hard back is a luxury, and a comforting one to curl up with on a cold day. I guess e-reading is the future.
Are you a self published (Indie) Author?
Yes, but I’ve actually written seven crime novels, all self-published in print form, and are in the process of getting them all up online as ebooks.
Have you ever read a book more than once?
To Kill a Mockinbird, by Harper Lee.
Is there a particular movie that you preferred over the book version?
One Flew Over the Cuckoos’ Nest
What book are you currently reading and in what format (electronic/paperback/hardcover)?
I’m reading Clip by Kenneth Wayne on my Kindle and To the End of the Land by David Grossman in hardback.
What book do you know that you will never read?
They say, ‘you should never say never’ but I guess it would be Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. I can’t see me ever reading it.
Are there any new Authors that have grasped your interest and why?
I’ve recently read Nicholas Denmon’s book, For Nothing. An upstate New York mafia story that’s got real authenticity and a fast, page turning plot. I believe he has a new one coming out soon and I’ll be looking out for it.
As I mentioned earlier, I’m reading Kenneth Wayne’s Clip and am enjoying it immensely. I have Bex Aaron’s Independence Day waiting to be read, again on Kindle, and I’m looking forward to it, having peeked at a few pages. I’ve also downloaded Joanne Stephen-Ward’s book Vissa d’arte. That looks interesting.
Is there anything you would change in your last book and why?
I think I would give my main character, Barry Carter, a little more depth, despite him being a nasty bit of work.
Who designed the cover of your book?
I found a talented designer, Anna, and she did the rest. She’s doing the cover for my next one.
This is what’s on Amazon and Smashwords.
Enter the enigmatic world of Barry Carter; a man who lives two lives and believes his sinister plan to scam millions and fake his death is foolproof. He’s right, until his bitter lover and distraught wife team up to seek him out. They want retribution but are stopped by the police, who’ve found Carter first and want to question him about a murder, a stolen dead body and an international cyber crime. A frantic chase ensues and there can be only one winner.
Do you have any advice for other writers?Read a lot of all sorts of genres. Do several drafts of your work until you are completely happy with it and never stop writing.
What is the best advice that you have ever been given when it comes to writing?
To do several drafts, preferably with some time between them.
Do you write under a pen name? No
Cats or dogs?
Cats, but unfortunately the five I’ve had have all died young. I don’t have one at present.

I'm a crime writer. I write about people involved in sinister deeds like murder, extortion and retribution.
I've worked in a seaside arcade, as a record salesman, a decorator, a merchant banker, a marine and a retailer. I was once shot by terrorists and winched from the jungle into a helicopter and flown to hospital.
I live with my wife in Bucks.
Where can your readers follow you?
My blog:
My facebook page:
Twitter: nickwastnage
Other: website: http://nickwastnage.com
Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B004YDUY3C
author profile -http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/nickwastnage
book page - http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/55147
Print, ebook or both? Both.
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview and allowing us a glimpse into your writing word. I hope you share this interview with your friends. Patti
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Patti Roberts - Author
Paradox - The Angels Are Here
Hi Patti!
ReplyDeleteI have been trying to reach you, but when I respond to the e-mail you sent to me, it comes back as undeliverable, is there another address I can reach you at for the interviews? Thank you so much!
-Amy Eye
How strange. pattiroberts7@gmail.com is that the one you used? Otherwise look me up on goodreads and message me there. Hope to catch up soon, Patti :)