I was born in Sutton Coldfield in the West Midlands, UK, but I now live around 12 miles from there in Solihull.
What is the name of your most recent book and if you had to sum it up in 30 or less words, what would you say?
Darkness & Light hit the world on July 1st 2011—a tale of fate & destiny, soul mates, werewolves, reincarnation, and a well-woven journey of self-discovery.
If you gave some of your characters an opportunity to speak for themselves, what would they say?
My characters have had a chance to speak for themselves when they’ve participated in character interviews. Jem’s answers tend to reflect a quiet calm. Sean usually wonders how these people know werewolves exist when it’s supposed to be a secret. And Ethan is still trying to figure out why he’s getting attention from the ladies.
Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?
It’s not so much a series because each story will be stand-alone, but Darkness & Light is #1 of The Holloway Pack Stories. I have some smaller works due out very soon. Marked is a short story told from Sean’s PoV, and will be part of an anthology titled Into the Unknown, due out December 1st 2011. Another story told from Sean’s PoV is Instinct—a novella prequel to Darkness & Light due out January 1st 2012. I hope to have another novella written over the next few weeks, which will be the sequel to Instinct. I’m currently editing the 2nd full length novel, Blue Moon, which I hope will be available at the end of next year. And the 3rd novel for the Holloway Pack is around 90% written at 1st draft.
What or who inspired you to write? And how long have you been writing?
My daydreams inspired me to think about writing. My sister and best friend inspired me to quit thinking about it and just do it. That was 2 ½ years ago.
How did you come up with the title and cover design?
The title was an easy one for me to come up with. I had a very clear vision before I began writing to arrange the novel so Jem’s dreams were separate from the rest and easily identifiable, and the idea to title them as Darkness, whilst all of her awake moments were titled as Light, seemed a natural notion. From there it seemed obvious that would also work as the title.
As for the cover art, I always had a vision in my head of entwined wolves, one light, one dark, to reflect not only the title and the difference in the coat colours of the two main characters as wolves, but also the union of Jem with her mate. Then a friend of mine suggested creating some kind of yin/yang symbol from it because that, too, seemed very relevant of Jem and Sean, and when I jotted down my ideas/hopes in an email to an artist friend (Pam Bitner), the cover art you all see is what she came up with. I was pretty stoked when I first saw how well she’d depicted what I had in my head.
Have you based any of your characters on someone you know, or real events in your own life?
I NEVER base characters on someone I know. EVER! I do, however, base character relationships on ones I’ve actually experienced or witnessed.
Is there an Author that you would really like to meet?
There are a few. Aimee Laine. Rachel Vincent. Karen Marie Moning.
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
I don’t have a preference between paperbacks and my Kindle, but I do prefer paperbacks over hardcovers because I like to read in bed and hardbacks HURT when you drop them on your head as you doze off mid-sentence, LOL.
Have you ever read a book more than once?
ALWAYS! I never have only one book on the go. Though they don’t all get read at the same speed.
What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?
I’m currently reading The Arranger by LJ Sellers (ebook), My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent (PB), River Marked by Patricia Briggs (PB), Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon (ebook) and Lover Avenged by J.R. Ward (PB).
Are there any new Authors that have grasped your interest and why?
Jocelyn Adams. I was fortunate enough to receive an ARC of her debut novel, The Glassman, which is due out 15th October 2011, and she sent me on my first foray into Fae lands. Her writing is so simple you have no trouble breezing along at a breathless pace, yet so descriptive and imaginative all at the same time. I’d highly recommend this one—go check her out.
Is there anything you would change in your last book and why?
Not a thing. Darkness & Light was written without plotting or planning. I simply sat at my keyboard and allowed it to be born exactly as it unfolded within my mind. When an entire novel is written that way in a 6 week time span and the author has no reservations over it, then I’m willing to trust the muse knew what it was doing.
What are your thoughts on book trailers?
When I watched my first few, I kinda wondered what they were all about, but I’ve seen some really cool ones out there. Do they help generate sales or garner attention? I have no idea.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Write what you love and stay true to yourself.
Do you write under a pen name?
Nope. I’m just me.
Do you ever write in your PJ’s?
Goodness, yes! They’re the most comfortable clothing I own so it would be silly not to, right?
Patti Says: totally agree!
What are your pet peeves?
What are your pet peeves?
Hehehe, present tense words in past tense writing has a tendency to set a twitch a-flickering just below my left eye (sorry).
Cats or dogs?
Both. J
White wine or red?
Yuk. Neither. Unless it’s Asti. J
Coffee or tea?
Coffee all the way, baby.
Favorite food?
I’m too fickle to have a definite favourite.
Vanilla or chocolate icecream?
What do you normally eat for breakfast?
What are 4 things you never leave home without?
My purse. My mobile. A handful of Darkness & Light bookmarks. And my house key so I can get back in ;)
Laptop or desktop for writing?
Where and when do you prefer to do your writing?
Either at my kitchen table so I have my dog for company, or on my bed so I can have the comfort.
Where can your readers stalk you?
My blog: http://www.jabelfield.wordpress.com
My facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/J-A-Belfield/102711583122115
My Goodreads author page: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4730698.J_A_Belfield
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/JABelfield
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/J.A.-Belfield/e/B0055EAPEC/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1316110064&sr=8-1
Is your book in Print, ebook or both? Both.

One day, a character and scene popped into J. A. Belfield's head, and she started controlling the little people inside her imagination, as though she were the puppet master and they her toys. Questions arose: What would happen if ...? How would they react if ...? Who would they meet if ...? Before she knew it, a singular scene had become an entire movie. The characters she controlled began to hold conversations. Their actions reflected the personalities she bestowed upon them. Within no time, they had a life, a lover, a foe, family ... they had Become.
One day, she wrote down her thoughts. She's yet to stop.
J. A. Belfield lives in Solihull, England, with her husband, two children, three cats and a dog. She writes paranormal romance, with a second love for urban fantasy.
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- Paperback: 412 pages
Customer Reviews
Most helpful review ![]() To say that I'm a fan of paranormal stories would be a major understatement. I absolutely love them, and when you look at my bookshelf, that love is incredibly obvious as most of... Read the full review Published 18 days ago by Ambur (Burning.x.Impossibly.x.... | Most recent review ![]() Jem is married to Peter; in a relationship that he is very satisfied with, but she is not. She has a good life, but must bow to his wishes and wants and does not always feel as if... Read the full review Published 2 days ago by DJ Weaver |
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview with me and allowing us a glimpse into your writing word.
I hope you share this interview with your friends so we can all get to know you a little better. Patti
Thanks so much for having me, Patti. The questions were a lot of fun to answer. I'll be around most of the day if anyone stops by.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview! :) I think I need to add some bookmarks to my bag! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Aimee. And you so do. :o)