I was born in a tiny town in Texas known as Fritch. Once I graduated from high school, I moved to the city. *Laughing* I reside in Amarillo, Texas with my beautiful daughters and husband.
How long have you been blogging?
I have only been blogging about 4 months. I am a stay at home mom, working on my own book and reviewing other authors’ works seemed like a natural step in the process to me. Plus, I have read some amazing books and met some amazing people…such as Patti.
Patti says: Why thank you!
What is the name of the book you most recently blogged about?
I am widening my horizon on reviews. When I first started blogging, I was reviewing only YA Fiction, but as my writing has progressed I have decided to start reviewing some Adult Fiction. I just yesterday posted a review on Sweet Possession by Maya Banks. It was the funniest thing I have read in a long time. Plus, I’ve always wanted to live in Houston, Texas, where the story takes place.
What did you think about the cover?
Oh, I loved the cover. It was beautiful…okay, I have to admit, the hot shirtless guy made it even better. *Swoons*
If you could ask the Author 3 questions what would they be?
· I would love to know how Ms. Banks creates such charismatic characters.
· I would also love to know where she gets her ideas for settings. *Attempting to be PG and politically correct* She places her characters in some very precarious situations in very questionable place.
· What got her started writing?
Can you name one of your favorite chapters?
Why sure I can. I bookmarked it, of course. Chapter 23 has a scene in it that deals with 5 very close friends who are attached to 5 very close guys. One of the ladies is a rock star and has had death threats so she is sequestered to her compound. Lyric is not supposed to have company over for fear of them getting hurt; however, the other 4 girls manage to get into the compound while Lyric’s bodyguard/boyfriend is tied up in a meeting. The girls decide to go skinny dipping and the dialog that evolves from this event had me rolling on the floor laughing. Suffice it to say…they got busted and Connor had no desire to see his little sister in the buff. (She is one of the friends.)
What was you most favorite character and why?
Oh, in this particular book, I loved Connor. He is a straight-laced, uptight snarky man with some major control issues. Plus…he’s portrayed on the cover of the book. Yummy.
If this book was part of a series, would you read the next book?
It is part of a series, actually number 5 out of a series and the first book out of the series I have read. After I finished it, I went online and bought the other four. Book 6 comes out in April 2012.
Was this a book you were asked to review or did you buy it?
I bought it.
Have you written a book yourself or are you planning to in the future?
I’m in the process of writing one right this instant. Okay, maybe I will work on it after I finish this interview.
Patti says: Fantastic - Keep at it!
What genre is your favorite and why?
How about my favorite two? I love reading anything YA paranormal or urban fantasy. These are what started my interest in writing and blogging. I am now a fan of Adult romance and urban fantasy.
If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what 3 books would you want with you?
A very tough question indeed…Can we make it series??? How bout we do that? LOL. I know many people will be like…really…Have you lost your mind, but the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer would definitely be there and if I had to choose just one book, I would say Eclipse. Then there is the Sweet Series by Maya Banks that I mentioned before; having to choose a single book…Sweet Possession. And last but not least…The Nightshade Series by Andrea Cremer. As of now there are only two books, but I would choose Nightshade to be the single book.
Is there an Author that you would really like to meet?
Just from conversations on twitter, I am going to say Cassandra Clair and Andrea Cremer. They seem very funny.
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
I prefer hardcover, but I am also sadly impatient, so I read a lot of e-books.
Where do you prefer to buy your books?
Seeing as I live in the huge city of Amarillo, Texas…if I am buying a physical book, I go to Barnes and Noble. However, e-books or books I am patient enough to wait on, I go to either Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
Have you ever read a book more than once?
Definitely. If I find a book that makes me feel good or think about important issues, I will read it until my heart is content. There is a series of books that I always read when I am feeling down, and when my family sees me with them…they know to stay away. LOL! That would be The Twilight Saga.
Is there a particular movie or TV series that you preferred over the book version?
I am not going to say I like it better but The Vampire Diaries TV series is so different from the books and I love it. I love the intensity and the interaction between the characters…and did I mention Ian Somerhalder?
Patti says: I agree, love the TV series, so totally different from the books! Ian Somerhalder.............. Holly shit! How Gorgeous is that guy!
What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?
I am currently reading Nightwalker by Lisa Kessler in e-book format. Very good book so far.
What book are you about to start reading?
I have so many books up for review that I have NO idea what I will read next. Possibly More Than Magic: Semester Aboard by Elizabeth Kirke. It looks like it is going to be a very fun book to read.
What book do you know that you will never read?
I don’t really have a great answer for that. I have found that when I see a book and think I don’t really want to read it…sooner or later, I always do and then I end up absolutely in love with it. That is what happened with the Nightshade Series by Andrea Cremer. I really like to try to be open minded and read new things all the time.
Are there any new Authors that have grasped your interest recently and why?
I have found a few independent authors that I really like right now. Everyone here has heard of Patti Roberts, author of Paradox: The Angels Are here, right? Well, she is a great writer and I’m not just saying that.
Patti Says: I thank you for that! And I'm NOT just saying that! x
Nilsa Rodriguez who wrote The Rising Moon is amazing. I just participated in her virtual blog tour. She blends paranormal with Indian mythology in a very unique way.
Lynn Seresin wrote an amazing paranormal romance that I absolutely loved. I will be participating in her Thin Air Tour on October 23 and 24th.
Aine P. Massie, author of Blood’s Voice, is another amazing writer. We will be doing her blog tour soon also.
Have you read a book that you would like to rewrite the ending of?
There are books that I would have liked to end a different way but I don’t think I would ever want to rewrite an ending. The author wrote it the way they did for a reason and I have to respect that.
What are your thoughts on book trailers?
I have seen some amazing book trailers that were very well planned and created. Bloodlines by Richelle Mead had an amazing trailer. Then, I have seen some that were just thrown together and didn’t do much to promote the book.
Do you have a favorite book cover? Chose up to 3 if you like.
Favorite book covers…well, have you seen the Obsidian by Jennifer L.Armentrout book cover yet? Amazing.
Next…Starcrosssed by Josephine Angelini
And finally…Sweet Possession by Maya Banks
Do you ever blog in your PJ’s?
The question here is…do I ever NOT blog in my PJ’s?
Patti says: :)
Sleep in or get up early?
I am a total sleep in girl. I go to bed when others are getting up. Part of this stems from trying to write when I can be alone without interruptions and part of it is just me.
Patti Says: Ditto!
Pet peeves?
How many can I list? Honestly, I am a pretty laid back individual who has figured out that there are only certain battles worth fighting. I try really hard to realize that I only have control over me; however, there are certainly things that bother me. Lying of any sort is my biggest pet peeve ever. I find people lie about the most ridiculous things that wouldn’t make any difference to anyone but themselves. If you are going to lie, make it something good.
Patti Says: I'm with you on that! Hate Lies..
What is on your Christmas wish list?
Books, books, and more books, and did I mention PJ’s. I definitely need some more of those. Oh and I-tunes gift cards…I need more music. LOL.
Patti says: on the subject of music - here is some that inspired me for the Paradox Series.
If you could plan the perfect holiday, what would it be?
If you could plan the perfect holiday, what would it be?
Oh, I don’t know that I could ever plan the perfect holiday but my favorite holiday is Halloween…okay, technically not a holiday but I love it all the same. I would love to have a masquerade party with all the gorgeous masks and gowns and men in tuxedos.
How often do you blog?
I try to blog every day, or at least have about 5-7 posts a week. Sometimes I do them all on Sunday and schedule them to post throughout the week, sometimes I just do them as I go.
How many books do you read in a month - roughly?
I hope my husband doesn’t read this. I would say probably 25-30 books per month. I know, right? Do I ever do anything else…yes, but my weekends are primarily volleyball games with my daughter and then lots of reading. I am blessed in that I can read very quickly.
Patti Says: I'll say!
Favorite color?
Purple…without a doubt.
What are 5 items you never leave home without?
I-pod, Evo cell phone, wallet, book and my Nook. I never leave home without both my e-reader and a book.
What is your most favorite electronic gadget?
As of this very moment, I am going to say my phone. I love my EVO! But my I-Pod Touch is right behind it.
Favorite book character or film character crush. Yes you can pick 2 :)
Okay, these are not very original answers but they are honest. I love Ian Somerhalder who plays Damon on the Vampire Diaries TV show.
And oh how I want Jace from The Mortal Instruments to be real and I want him to find me. I wonder if Casandra Clare knew that every female in the world would fall in love with him when she created him. He is yummy.
A character you love to hate.
I hate this question…not really, it’s just so hard to answer. I’m going to have to say Damon from the Vampire Diaries. Final answer.
Cats or dogs?
Dogs, definitely dogs. Especially my little Ella.
White wine or red?
White without a doubt.
Coffee or tea?
Hmmm. What time of day is it? Is the weather hot or cold? Really, I love coffee, but not just any coffee…the kind you find at Starbucks with a ton of calories.
Favorite food?
My mother-in-laws carne guisada. Yummy.
Vanilla or chocolate icecream?
Chocolate anything…
Patti says: Ian Somerhalder dipped in chocolate maybe :)))
What is a movie or TV show that you watched recently and really enjoyed?
Well, since it is the beginning of a new TV season, there are so many. I love Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, NCIS, NCIS Las Angeles, and Criminal Minds. And I am anxiously awaiting the season premiere of Bones.
Where can we STALK you? (And you most certainly should STALK me.)
My blog: Better Read Than Dead http://www.angelsdemonsandvampires.com
My facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Better-Read-Than-Dead/167552049979092
My Goodreads page: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4737702-kristin-better-read-than-dead
Twitter: http://twitter.com/BReadThanDead
Thank you Patti for having me! I enjoyed this interview and I hope everyone will come by my blog and check out my review of Paradox: The Angels are Here.
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview with me and allowing us a glimpse into your blogging world.
Thank you for sharing and thank you for blogging. Patti
Help me choose a cover for Paradox - Progeny Of Innocence (BK 2) Here

Thank you Patti for doing this wonderful interview. I had fun with the answers. I definitely think Ian dipped in chocolate would be the ultimate treat.
Great interview. Love The Vampire Diaries & Ian too!
ReplyDeleteOh Yeahhhh, what's not to LOVE!