What is the name of your most recent book and if you had to sum it up in 30 or less words, what would you say? Dead, Sweet Boy is the first book in this Paranormal Series. Sunny’s best friend hangs himself, making Sunny want revenge. She comes face to face with the evil that took her friend.
If you gave some of your characters an opportunity to speak for themselves, what would they say? Sunny: Excuses are boring. No matter how true they are, they always feel like lies. The way I see it, there aren’t any excuses for evil. That’s why I don’t explain what I did to anyone. It was my hands that started that fire, because I apparently was capable of that kind of evil. Nothing possessed or influenced me except the hatred my own heart created. I lit the match and the flames surprised me. There in the heat of that fire I met my own darkness - and it’s ugly.
Do you have plans for a new book? Yes, I am currently working on the second book to this series. It will be ready for Kindle in a matter of a couple of months.
What or who inspired you to write? I first caught the writing bug in 7th grade. My teacher, Miss Lee brought in Bruce Springsteen records and told the class, “Now this is writing. Listen to where he takes you.” I have been writing since.
How did you come up with the title and cover design? The original title for the book was, “The Color of Angels,” but this story is darker than that title, so I changed it.
Have you based any of your characters on someone you know, or real events in your own life? Yes. My father had a massive heart attack that put him in a coma. The doctors said he was brain dead and our family should pull the plug. We decided not to take that advice and Dad came out of the coma and he didn’t have brain damage. It made me wonder why and how this happened. How did he get back to us? I thought it would be interesting to put a troubled, seventeen year old girl in his shoes and see how she might come through.
What books have most influenced your writing most and why? This book was originally an adult fiction I was trying to get published the traditional route. But then I discovered the Young Adult section of the bookstore. I would have to say it’s the whole genre that influenced my writing. I love it.
Is there an Author that you would really like to meet? I would love to meet Anne Rice, because her books really hooked me back in the day. But right now I am enjoying being able to meet and talk to other Indie authors like myself.
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover? I’ve always sworn by hardcover books and couldn’t understand why anyone would want a Kindle. Then one of my sons bought me a Kindle and I haven’t bought a physical book since.
Where do you prefer to buy your books? Amazon Kindle
Are you a self published (Indie) Author? Yes, I have tried the traditional route to get published and thought there was a negative stigma to self-publishing, but I was wrong. There are so many good books out there by self-published authors and they are finally getting the recognition they deserve. I love to see Indie books sell more than traditionally published books. I still love my favorite authors of traditionally published books, but I’m cheering for authors like myself.
Patti says: Me too!
Have you ever read a book more than once? No, my sister does that all the time. I move on to the next.
Is there a particular movie that you preferred over the book version? Many times I enjoy the movie just as much in a different way, but the book always seems better than the movie.
What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)? The Fallen Star, by Jessica Sorensen, Kristin Campbell – published on Createspace. I’m reading it on my Kindle.
Are there any new Authors that have grasped your interest and why? Right now I’m interested in all the new Indie authors who seem to be selling books. I’m reading like crazy.
Who designed the cover of your book? My husband Mark took the picture. The models are my son Sam and his friend Chelsie, and I designed the cover.
Do you have a book trailer? Yes I do! Thank you for asking. It can be found on YouTube and I would love some feedback on it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPHHbrRBWvI
What are your thoughts on book trailers? I think they are fun and a perfect opportunity to convey the feeling of your book. I’m not sure if they help with sales because this is my first book trailer. When I see a book trailer I always take a peek.
Do you have any advice for other writers? If you are a self published author it’s easy to get so caught up in the marketing of your writing. It’s also easy to get discouraged, but these are exciting times right now. The publishing industry is changing and authors like ourselves are getting noticed by the readers. Market away – but don’t lose contact with your craft. I believe if we can find our niche – there are readers for all of us.
What is the best advice that you have ever been given when it comes to writing? Writers write!
Do you write under a pen name? Yes, MacQuoid is my middle name. It’s been with me all my life and didn’t change when I got married. It’s me.
Do you ever write in your PJ’s? All the time.
What are your pet peeves? I can’t stand when someone lies to me.
What are your pet peeves? I can’t stand when someone lies to me.
Cats or dogs? We have two dogs right now. A Pug named Maggie and a Yorkie Poo named Sweetie. Our Australian Sheppard just had to be put down and we will be getting another. We live on a farm and raise Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys – so a livestock dog is important to us.
White wine or red? Neither. Gin.
Coffee or tea? I love both.
Favorite food? Spaghetti.
Vanilla or chocolate icecream? Chocolate.
What do you normally eat for breakfast? I love biscuits, but when I’m being good I eat Cheerios.
What are 4 things you never leave home without? My phone, a little cash, a bra and lipstick.
Laptop or desktop for writing? Laptop
Where and when do you prefer to do your writing? I don’t have a choice really. I work fifty hours a week at a fulltime job and run a donkey farm. So I steal any opportunity I get.
If you were deserted on an island, who are 3 famous people you would want with you? Liam Neeson to look at; Cat Stevens to listen to and my dear late father ( who is the most famous man in my mind ), David Crosby – to talk to. I miss him dearly.
One of your favorite quotes – If you want something done right, do it yourself.
List 3 of your all time favorite books? The Anne Rice Vampire books. All of them.
List 3 of your all time favorite movies? Driving Miss Daisy, Steel Magnolias and The Sixth Sense
An actor you have a crush on – Liam Neeson
What is a movie or TV show that you watched recently and really enjoyed? I absolutely love TAPS.
Where can your readers stalk you? www.susanmacquoid.com
My blog: is in the works and will be ready soon.
Twitter: @SusanMacQuoid
Available on Amazon:
Check out the book trailer first -
About the Book:
Sunny McKay, is a seventeen year old girl who has developed an unusual tick that stems from not facing difficult feelings. When she’s in a tight emotional spot, she hears music that correlates to her feelings, and can’t stop singing along.
She loses her best friend Mack, to a dark change that leads to his suicide. Blinded by confusion, anger and the darkness that took Mack’s life, Sunny blames Mack’s girlfriend for his death and burns down her house. She spends six months in a correctional home for teens, and goes home to find out that her dead friend has been waiting for her to return. When she realizes she is being haunted, Sunny goes with friends and a ghost hunting team to Mack’s grave. Instead of contacting Mack, they come face to face with the evil that tormented Mack.
Sunny is in a near fatal accident while trying to flee the graveyard. She is left in a coma with only a short time to make it back. An angel helps her back from the coma realm, and Sunny wakes knowing the angel needs her help.
Susan has offered to gift 1 lucky reader a copy of her ebook. Write a comment on the post below for your chance to win. Don’t forget to leave your email address so we can contact you if you win. Drawn 25th of October 2011
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