Where were you born and where do you call home?
I was born in Napanee, Ontario. I live with my parents, one of my younger brothers and two mischevious little dogs -- a Schnoodle named D'Argo and a Bichon Frise named Coco.
How long have you been blogging?
I started my blog in June 2011.
What is the name of the book you most recently blogged about?
My last post was about The Sky Is Everywhere, because I'm doing a giveaway. :)
What did you think about the cover?
It's simple, but if you read the book it makes perfect sense. I think that the cover for the paperback edition of the book is lovely, though. (And it, too, makes perfect sense.)
If you could ask the Author 3 questions what would they be?
-- How did you come up with the idea for The Sky Is Everywhere?
-- Who was your favorite character to write about and why?
-- Did you find writing Lennie's poetry harder or easier then writing the actual book? Why?
Can you name one of your favorite chapters?
-- The book does not have titled chapters, but I will say that I love the scenes between Lennie and Joe when they are in the forest. Okay, being totally honest I liked all the scenes between Lennie and Joe, period. ;)
What was you most favorite character and why?
When I wrote my review for this book, the first thing I commented on was that I was amazed at how much I loved this book despite the fact that the hero's name was Joe. I usually read fantasy and paranormal books and you don't generally see 'average' names there. Let me tell you, though... There is absolutely nothing average about Joe Fontaine. He is quite possibly my favorite love interest in any book I've ever read. <3
If this book was part of a series, would you read the next book?
If I had the opportunity to jump back into a story about these characters, I'd do that in a heartbeat. I'd love to know whether Lennie gets into Julliard, and whether Sara and Joe would be going with her. Alas, I don't think this *is* part of a series. But that's okay, I suppose. :)
Was this a book you were asked to review or did you buy it?
This book was recommended to me by friends on Absolute Write. I decided that I would try some contemporary YA and told people that I love romantic books. I am so glad that I read this. :)
Have you written a book yourself or are you planning to in the future?
I'm working on an urban fantasy / romance novel, tentatively titled Moon Dance. Here's a quick summary:
Sarena Lengton died and traveled to the Underworld when she was fifteen. While there she was given a mission: to make the soul of arrogant Prince Kesyl Veradayne whole back on earth. But Sara does not like being told what to do. She has avoided her mission since being revived, afraid of what might happen if she completes it.
Now 17, all Sara wants is to spend Christmas with her family, including her older brother Jayden. But Jayden is Guardian to Kesyl -- constant companion and sworn protector. He's too busy to come home. Until Sara, mistaken for an assassin, brings information about a potential threat to the Prince's life. Now the Lengton family is together for the holidays... Complete with a guest who doesn't quite share their holiday spirit.
As Sara and Kesyl become closer she is faced with a new problem: Kesyl isn't the jerk she thought he was and she wants to help him. Now she needs to find the courage to tell him the truth, or find a way to help him without him ever finding out. A single mistake could cost everything... Because Sara thinks she might be falling for him.
(I'm terrible at summaries and I made this up on the spot. Bare with me. :p )
Patti Says: I would love to feature your book on my blog when it is available :)
What genre is your favorite and why?
I use to read paranormal and urban fantasy mostly, but my tastes have broadened a lot since I started my blog. I've been reading a lot of contemporary and dystopian fiction this summer.
If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what 3 books would you want with you?
Well, that depends whether we're talking about books "So good I wouldn't want to be without them:
-- The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
-- Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
-- Bumped by Megan McCafferty
... Or books I haven't read yet that I'd like to find waiting for me until the rescue ship comes along:
-- A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
-- You Against Me by Jenny Downham
-- Sweet Venom by Tera Childs
Is there an Author that you would really like to meet?
Long before I got into YA, I was (and still am) into Paranormal Romance. The Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon is my favorite, so I think I would pick her. I really should check out the Chronicles of Nick books, I suppose. :)
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
In a perfect world, I'd get to immediately buy everything in paperback. Why? Because I hate credit cards so an ebook reader isn't much use to me, I get annoyed when the jackets on hardcovers slip when I'm turning the pages, and the price of an ebook and a paperback is often very similiar. Now I just need that library from Beauty and the Beast to house my collection. Maybe I should look into the ereader after all... ;)
Patti Says: I have a kindle and I LOVE IT!
Where do you prefer to buy your books?
I'm legally blind, so I don't drive. If I had my way I'd live next to a Chapters (Canadian equivelant to B&N), but if I did I think I'd be very broke very fast. I order a lot off of Amazon, but I have also been doing a lot of my recent shopping through Chapters online store. I like the fact that I can pick up cards, punch in the code and then have what I want show up in the mail. It's the most convienent solution for me.
Have you ever read a book more than once?
Yes, absolutely! The first book that comes to mind is Night Play by Sherrilyn Kenyon. In the YA department, though, I have read some of P.C. Cast's House of Night books a couple times over.
Is there a particular movie or TV series that you preferred over the book version?
I usually end up either reading a book or watching a movie. I think it's hard for a movie to represent a book well since the span of time for a movie is so much more controlled. A reader can go as fast or slow with a book as they like.
I suppose The Princess Bride and The Halloween Tree are both examples of stories where a book was represented well through a movie or animated feature, though. I also love The Vampire Diaries, although I can't count this so much since I never read the actual books.
What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?
I am reading a paperback copy of The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen. I got it in a boxset along with This Lullaby and Just Listen. I'm only a few pages in so I can't really comment what I think yet. Hopefully I like them -- I normally don't buy boxsets for authors I don't know, but I got a good deal so I couldn't resist.
What book are you about to start reading?
Once I'm done The Truth About Forever, I think I'll read Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins. After three contemporary books, I think I need a change of pace.
What book do you know that you will never read?
Fallen by Lauren Kate. I tried ... I got 160 pages in ... But it's just not for me. Which is the reason I am weary about buying books in groups by authors I don't know. I have Fallen, Torment and Passion sitting here and looking at me like "WHAT?!" Now I need to figure out what to do with them.
Patti says: may have a giveaway on your blog or do a swap???
Are there any new Authors that have grasped your interest recently and why?
Veronica Roth's debut, Divergent, was awesome and I am dying to read the sequel. I also liked Lauren DeStefano's Wither and will be picking up Fever when it comes out.
Have you read a book that you would like to rewrite the ending of?
Wither, as much as I liked it, lacked a true climax at the end of the book. I would have written it so that something more signifigant or difficult happened as Rhine and Gabriel escaped Linden's mansion.
What are your thoughts on book trailers?
I enjoy them. I think that anything we can do that expresses creativity is a good thing. I doubt a book trailer is going to be 'the reason' I read a book... But once a book as captured my interest from reading a summary, getting recommendations or reading a sample, I have a tendancy to check if there is a trailer for it since I find them fun.
Do you have a favorite book cover? Chose up to 3 if you like.
I think the prettiest cover award goes to Wither, as far as books I have read and reviewed. The Special Edition for Delirium has a nice cover as well. (I have that sitting on my shelf waiting to be read.)
Do you ever blog in your PJ’s?
At times. My computer is in my bedroom so it's pretty easy to hop out of bed, log on and get writing (either one of my books or a blog post) without too much fuss or muss.
Sleep in or get up early?
I'm a total night owl most of the time. I can hop out of bed bright and early if I have to, and when I do I'm one of those annoying perky people who are instantly happy even at 7 a.m.
Pet peeves?
-- People thinking their opinion is the only opinion. Choice is good, embrace it!
What is on your Christmas wish list?
-- Books
-- Monster High dolls (They are so strange and different. I love them!)
-- DVD sets (Desperate Housewives usually fits here)
-- Games (Generally for the Xbox 360. This year I'm eager for Gears of War 3, Batman: Arkham City, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
If you could plan the perfect holiday, what would it be?
Going somewhere warm this winter with my boyfriend, Jay. We're long distance so doing anything together is always like a holiday to me, but getting out of the cold is always welcome, too. I do know my family is aiming to go to Florida for two weeks in February.
How often do you blog?
I tend to blog when I have a book that I'm ready to review. I also do my best to participate in Road Trip Wednesday over at YA Highway every week. I'm hoping to write a few more articles this month and my posting habits should improve a bit now that I know blogger has scheduling. :)
Patti Says: feel free to copy and paste any Author interviews you like off my blog as a guest post on your blog - Give the Authors some blog lovin!
How many books do you read in a month - roughly?
I read and reviewed 11 books in August. It's very hard to give an estimate how many books I read a month, because it depends how interested I am in what I'm reading, as well as what issues come up outside of reading and blogging. I try to write two reviews a week, but it's not written in stone.
Favorite color?
Pink. Although I doubt that surprises anyone who visits I Write, I Read, I Review. *laughs*
What are 5 items you never leave home without?
-- Wallet
-- Lip Gloss
-- iPod
-- Tums
-- Gum (Preferably Trident Splash Strawberry Kiwi)
What is your most favorite electronic gadget?
Eek! How do I choose? I love my computer because I designed it and selected all the parts for it myself. I love my Xbox 360 because it saves Jay and I hundreds of dollars we'd otherwise spend on long distance. And I love my iPod because I hate being without music.
Favorite book character or film character crush. Yes you can pick 2 :)
Gonna stay with stuff I've recently read or watched.
1. Joe Fontaine from The Sky Is Everywhere.
Most of the guys that I like tend to have super powers, or be more then human, or be from a story where an epic struggle for the fate of the world is happening. Joe is an ordinary guy who happens to have an extraordinary amount of joy and appreciation for life. I couldn't imagine any reason I wouldn't want to be around a guy like that.
2. Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
I love how complex Zuko is as a character. He grows a lot over the three seasons of Avatar and by the end is definitely someone that I would be interested in. I liked watching him struggle to figure out who he is, to gain the courage to choose his own destiny. I think the writers for the show did a fantastic job of making sure that his path was never easy or straight forward. I also liked watching him and May.
A character you love to hate.
Eric from Divergent. I loved the parallel between him and Four. I always gave a bit of a cringe when he was around because it was never certain what jerk thing he would make someone do next.
Cats or dogs?
Dogs. D'Argo and Coco would bite me if I said anything else. :D
White wine or red?
Depends on what food is being served. White wine with turkey, red with roast beef.
Coffee or tea?
Tea. I like Earl Gray, Chai and Orange Peacoe.
Favorite food?
Breakfast: Seseme begal with cheese whiz
Lunch: Bacon cheeseburger and fries
Dinner: Cheese Capaletti (East Side Mario's... I need to go there again soon.)
Vanilla or chocolate icecream?
Chocolate all the way!
What is a movie or TV show that you watched recently and really enjoyed?
I just finished watching all three seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I loved it and I really loved Zuko. *laughs*
Where can we STALK you?
My blog: http://kathyanncoleman. blogspot.com/
My facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/ profile.php?id=691015163
My Goodreads page: http://www.goodreads.com/user/ show/5630416-kathy-coleman
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/ katallina
My name on Absolute Write is Katallina
My Xbox Live GamerTag is rN Katallina
My PlayStation Network ID is Katallina
Thanks so much for inviting me to be interviewed. :) Have a great day!
It was my pleasure, Patti :)
Kat, I am right below you (my interview from yesterday that is)
ReplyDeleteWe have the SAME last name (I never meet ppl with my last name) & like a lot of the same books & I think lip gloss rocks. It's on my never leave home without it list too.
I also did not get into the Fallen series. I have the books in my ereader and dont wanna delete them cuz I will get mad that I bought them only to delete them.
I am gonna go join ur blog and all that stuff & glad to read ur interview.
I love these interviews, Patti is a genius for doing this for us all.