Friday, September 30, 2011

The Knight Trilogy -How far would you travel for the one you love? What dangers would you endure? By Katie M John

PictureAbout the Books.

Book One: The Forest of Adventures

"Caught between two worlds. Torn between two hearts."

When seventeen year old Mina Singer falls in love with the devastatingly handsome new boy at college, she finds herself catapulted into a fairytale realm. But magic isn't for children and magic can be deadly...especially in the hands of  a jealous Morgan Le Fay.

Held at the heart of an ancient prophesy, Mina risks losing all those she loves the most.

Caught between two worlds. Torn between two hearts. 
                                                     The adventure begins...
"A haunting and beautiful exploration of true and forbidden love"

Book Two: Immortal Beloved

Picture 'Immortal Beloved' is the much anticipated sequel to 5* ''The Forest of Adventures'

Forced apart by fate, Mina Singer tries to piece together her broken heart. Little does she know that Blake's quest with Morgan Le Faye is placing his in a terrible and mortal danger.

Amongst the demon haunted monuments of Egypt, dark and terrifying rituals are being resurrected, and Sir Blake Beldevier is forced to embark on his most horrifying quest yet - one which no other mortal has survived.

How far would you travel for the one you love? What dangers would you endure?
Deeply moving, scary and thrilling, 'Immortal Beloved' is the compelling sequel to 'The Forest of Adventures'.

"A serious Blake-Quake aftershock!"

"I laughed, cried, giggled, aww-ed and screamed in frustration in this book. Not to mention my heart stopping once or twice."

Hey y’all! ;-) My name is Cassie, and I am the genius behind the review blog, Gathering Leaves

Where were you born and where do you call home?
I was born in the small town of Haleyville, Alabama.  We still live in a small town, but we are less than 20 (driving) miles from Huntsville, so we have easy access to the city!

How long have you been blogging?
I have had a personal blog since May of 2009, but I started Gathering Leaves April of 2011 after I did began working with JournalStone publishing.  I’ve always had a love for reading and writing, so this has been perfect for me!

What is the name of the book you most recently blogged about?
My latest review is for The Juliet Spell by Douglas Rees

What did you think about the cover?
I LOVE it!  I love simple covers, and especially ones that just use a photograph.  And, those pink sneakers are too cute 

If you could ask the Author 3 questions what would they be?
--Is Miranda based on anyone real?
--Were you ever in a Shakespeare play?
--How do you know so much about high school?

Can you name one of your favorite chapters?
Actually, I liked the way it ended.  I can’t give it away, but I’ll just say I like it when everything comes full circle and everyone who is meant to be together finds themselves right where they belong.

What was you most favorite character and why?
Drew, because he is super smart.  I have a thing for the nerdy guys.

If this book was part of a series, would you read the next book?

Was this a book you were asked to review or did you buy it?
I requested it from NetGalley.

Have you written a book yourself or are you planning to in the future?
I have started a couple things.  I currently have a short story in a contest that is in the judging stage, so fingers crossed on that one!  I think my love for writing has really reemerged and blossomed this year, so I am definitely planning to write more and actually try to get some things out there for public consumption…

What genre is your favorite and why?
Historical Fiction has always been a favorite of mine, but I think Fantasy is right up there too.  Things like Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter—my life just wouldn’t be the same without them.  I’m also really digging dystopian…

If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what 3 books would you want with you?
Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and The Hobbit

Is there an Author that you would really like to meet?
Jane Austen.  Can you set that up???

Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
Nothing can replace the feel and smell of a good paperback, but I have a special relationship with my Kindle!  Ebooks are easy, fast, cheap, and convenient…

Where do you prefer to buy your books?
I get most of mine from Amazon and Smashwords these days…

Have you ever read a book more than once?
Pride and Prejudice more times than I can count.   The Twilight saga a few times.  I don’t have time to reread anything anymore…

Is there a particular movie or TV series that you preferred over the book version?
Never.  But, I think True Blood has really moved so far from the books that I consider it two totally different entities, and I enjoy them both very much!

What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?
I am just finishing up an ebook of The Protector  by Marliss Melton.  It is a military romantic suspense novel, and though I don’t read a lot of straight up romance, I am actually enjoying this very much!  There’s a lot more to it than ripping…well, BDUs…

What book are you about to start reading?
I’ll have to consult my to-review list.  I am about to do a couple of proofing/copyediting jobs, so I guess that’s technically what’s next!

What book do you know that you will never read?
I probably will never force myself through War and Peace.

Are there any new Authors that have grasped your interest recently and why?
I have been trying out a lot of children’s books with my kids recently, and I came across a couple super cute little books by Janet Hurst-Nicholson.  They are Leon Chameleon P.I. and the Case of the Missing Canary Eggs and Leon Chameleon P.I. and the Case of the Kidnapped Mouse.  They read a lot like Wind in the Willows to me.  She has another awaiting illustration and publication (which I got to peek at), so everyone go buy a copy of the first two so she can get that one rolling!

Have you read a book that you would like to rewrite the ending of?
I can’t think of one off the top of my head.  I have run into a couple that I think should have been completely rewritten, but I won’t go into further detail. 

What are your thoughts on book trailers?
I love them!  I think they can be a fantastic marketing tool.  They are also another way to get the reader’s attention.  They can sometimes convey things in a way that the words just will not.  Use them!  They work!

Do you have a favorite book cover? Chose up to 3 if you like.
Wither by Lauren DeStefano
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Fallen by Lauren Kate

Do you ever blog in your PJ’s?
This question should be: do you ever blog in anything besides your PJs?!?  Or, do you ever change out of your PJs?!?!?  Hahaha…  I am primarily a stay-at-home-mom, so PJs are my basic wardrobe.  I have a few other things to wear when I need to look presentable in public. ;-)

Sleep in or get up early?
Sleep in and sleep anytime you can!  I am NOT a morning person, and I am most productive at night when everyone is sleeping and out of my way.

Pet peeves?
Oh man…  I’ll go with an easy one.  Cigarette smoke(rs).  If I wanted to defile my (and my kids’ especially!) lungs with your smoke, I’d go buy a box of menthols for myself…  Smoking should NOT be legal in public.  Sorry…  And parents who smoke in the house and car with their children should have a plastic bag tied over their heads.

What is on your Christmas wish list?
A new laptop, a new pair of cardy Uggs, a Sleep Number mattress, a turtle PillowPet, a sister for our sugar glider, more bookshelves, my hubby to move to day shift, the new Zelda game, maybe snow like last year (without me sliding down the stairs and cracking my tailbone!), lots of fun with my kiddos, and world peace… J  I’ve been a very good girl this year, I promise!

If you could plan the perfect holiday, what would it be?
A month-long, all-expense-paid trip to somewhere beautiful and peaceful and full of culture…where every other day all I had to do was just sit around and relax and read…and the other days I could leisurely take in all the sights!

How often do you blog?
Pretty much every day.  Some days I get busy with other things and then I catch up.  It evens out to about every day J

How many books do you read in a month - roughly?
Including children’s books, short stories, novellas, novels, and manuscripts, I probably go through 25 or more…probably more…

Favorite color?
Green, like fresh spring grass

What are 5 items you never leave home without.
Cell phone, Kindle, lip balm, sunglasses, clean undies (cause you never know) ;-)

What is your most favorite electronic gadget?
I’ll say my Blackberry b/c it can do most of what I can do on my laptop and Kindle, even if it is a bit more inconvenient…

Favorite book character or film character crush. 
Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) – He’s honorable, humble, handsome, strong, stealthy, smart, brave, wise…and a king in a beautiful world!

A character you love to hate.
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter) – You want to believe that he really has a good heart deep down, but he has just always been such a brat…

Cats or dogs?

White wine or red?

Coffee or tea?
Here in Alabama we have our tea SWEET and COLD! J

Favorite food?
Shrimp Tempura Rolls and Grilled Chicken Quesadillas

Vanilla or chocolate icecream?
Vanilla bean with Nesquik chocolate syrup

What is a movie or TV show that you watched recently and really enjoyed?
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II – So, that’s not really recent, but it is the best movie I have seen in a while.  I still can’t believe it is over… L

Where can we STALK you?
Twitter: @Cassie629 

Thanks Cassie, I really enjoyed reading your answers :) Patti

Interview with L. David Hesler Author of Children of Aerthwheel - free ebook - limited time

My most recent book is the fantasy novel “Children of Aerthwheel.” It is the story of two children who find themselves caught up in the legacy of a particularly infectious brand of magic.

Do you have plans for a new book?   Is this book part of a series?

“Children of Aerthwheel” is the first in a planned series that will take the protagonists to all corners of a strange multiverse. Between the first and second book, I am writing a novella and posting it for free on my blog. At the same time, I’m planning a humorous YA series that might feel like a cross between “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and “Eerie, Indiana.”

What or who inspired you to write?  And how long have you been writing?

My mother always kept an enormous stack of books next to her easy chair, which was always a great inspiration; and in middle school, I discovered that my father was a closet science fiction writer. Both of my parents always encouraged me to be a creative person. Then, in high school, I was fortunate enough to have a teacher who supported my decisions to write strange science fiction and horror stories while everyone else wrote stories about teenage love gone wrong. I owe a great deal to that teacher for her kind words and enthusiasm.

Would you like to giveaway a copy of your book on this blog?

Readers can use the following coupon code on Smashwords for a free copy of the novel: RK42N

I only ask that readers who use this code please return to my Amazon site to leave some honest reviews. Love the book? Great. Hate the book? Cool with me. Just let me know what you thought of it when you’re finished.

How did you come up with the title and cover design?

Since this is the first in a series, I wanted the title to reflect a sense of chronology that is inherent in the epic tale I plan to tell. The main characters first appear as children and they are all connected somehow to this philosophy of the Aerthwheel, a fatalistic perception that the universe moves in circles. In a sense, they are children of fate; but that label can be placed on anyone in the novel, as fate plays a huge part in everyone’s lives. And I think the question each character must ask is, “Despite all the things that have happened in the past, do I remain a servant of destiny or do I make my own future?”

Another important element in the novel is the strange realm Prismatica, which exists parallel to our own. It is in this other place that the notion of the Aerthwheel originates. And all the main characters are drawn to this place by forces they can’t control. The cover is a great interpretation of the protagonists’ ultimate dilemma: to stay here or to cross the threshold. Najla Qamber, the graphic artist who designed the cover, took my notes and ideas to entirely unexpected levels when she created the artwork. I’m pretty sure it’s the most professional part of the entire book. She is a delight to work with and you can visit her site here:

Have you based any of your characters on someone you know, or real events in your own life?

Andrew Fish is (in mostly a physical sense) 90% me circa 1994. I was a social outcast just like Andrew and the friends he makes throughout the course of the novel. It’s hard not to put yourself or someone you know into a story; but you have to be careful. I don’t want anyone getting angry at me because I wrote bad things about a character that was obviously based on my uncle or best friend. The author has to blend the reality and the fiction enough to disguise all those real world inspirations.

Is there an Author that you would really like to meet?

I would like to meet Stephen King as a fellow author. Of all the books I own or have read, his are the ones that fill most of my bookshelves. It would be a dream come true if he and I could simply sit down for half an hour. We would probably discuss baseball underdogs and rock music.

Are you a self published (Indie) Author?

I proudly identify as an indie author. For the first time in my life, I am growing a legitimate audience for my writing. To be in control of my own work and to have such direct contact with readers and reviewers is nothing short of magical. I tried to do this about five years ago before the ereaders were prevalent; it didn’t work out very well. Times have changed and I can’t see myself doing this any other way.

Have you ever read a book more than once?

Books I have read twice: Stephen King’s “The Stand” and most of The Dark Tower series, Richard Matheson’s “I Am Legend,” Douglas Adams’ “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” and “Canticle for Leibowitz” by Walter M. Miller, Jr.

I do, however, tend to pick up random books and skim through favorite sections. Does that count?

What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?

I just finished the awesome steampunk novella “The 19 Dragons” by S.M. Reine (ebook) and have her newest novel “All Hallows’ Moon” ready on the ereader. Also, I am finally getting around to reading Chuck Palahniuk’s “Diary” in print.

What book do you know that you will never read?

I will never read “Pride and Prejudice” simply because I have already finished “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.”

Do you ever write in your PJ’s?

The question is, when do I not write in my PJ’s? It is an unwritten rule in my house that each first draft should be crafted while I am in my pajamas. And I will never break that rule.

What do you normally eat for breakfast?

My favorite breakfast is sliced banana on peanut butter and toast. Or sometimes, I simply eat a peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich. In the winter, I tend to consume massive amounts of oatmeal with raisins.

Laptop or desktop for writing?

I used to chain myself to the desk and work at a PC for hours at a time. Then I discovered the magic of using a laptop and now I chain myself to the couch for hours at a time. There’s not a huge difference except I’m quite a bit more comfortable now.

One of your favorite quotes –

"But the man who creates the music is hearing something else, is dealing with the roar rising from the void and imposing order on it as it hits the air. What is evoked in him, then, is of another order, more terrible because it has no words, and triumphant, too, for that same reason. And his triumph, when he triumphs, is ours."

– James Baldwin, Sonny’s Blues

List 3 of your all time favorite books?

“It” by Stephen King
“White Teeth” by Zadie Smith
“Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams

List 3 of your all time favorite movies?

“Donnie Darko” by Richard Kelly
“Big Fish” by Tim Burton
“Moon” by Duncan Jones

Where can your readers stalk you?

Twitter: @LDHesler
Please feel free to leave some comments for the Author below :)

Interview with Julia Crane - Author of Conflicted: Keegan's Chronicles #2)

You can sin a copy of Julia's ebooks by entering the Christmas Bloggerthon HERE.

Hi Julia, where were you born and where do you call home?

I was born in Portsmouth, Va. I currently call Dubai home.

What is the name of your most recent book and if you had to sum it up in 30 or less words, what would you say?

If you gave some of your characters an opportunity to speak for themselves, what would they say?

I think Rourk would say enough with the drama give me Keegan back.

Do you have plans for a new book?   Is this book part of a series?

I'm currently working on book 3 in Keegan's Chronicles. I still haven't decided on a name yet. However, I am leaning towards Consumed.

Would you like to giveaway a copy of your book on this blog?

Of course!

How did you come up with the title and cover design?

Conflicted was a pretty easy title to come up with. The main character is conflicted between who she wants to be with and who she should be with.

Have you based any of your characters on someone you know, or real events in your own life?

Yes, I take a lot of character traits from people I know.

Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?

Before we moved to Dubai I would have said hardcover. Since we don't know how long we will be living here we are trying not to collect too much stuff. I switched to e-books and love it.

Where do you prefer to buy your books?

I buy most of my books on Amazon.

Have you ever read a book more than once?

Yes, there are quite few books I have read more than once.

Is there a particular movie that you preferred over the book version?

Not that I can think of books are usually better than the movies.

What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?

Slumber, by Samantha Young and I'm really enjoying it.

What book do you know that you will never read?

Never say never! I often read books that aren't my taste because someone recommended them. I feel you can get something out of any book even if it's just one sentence that speaks to you.

Are there any new Authors that have grasped your interest and why?

I've met so many amazing writers through this process. Talia Jager and Heather Adkins are my critique buddies and both amazing writers.

Is there anything you would change in your last book and why?

I received a few comments that the book felt too rushed towards the end. So I went back in and added more to the chapters. That's the great thing about e-books it's easy to make changes.

Who designed the cover of your book?

Kadri Umbleja she is amazing!

Do you have a book trailer?


What are your thoughts on book trailers?

I love them. I think they are a fun way to advertise.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Just keep writing. It's normal to doubt yourself, but if you are writing because you enjoy it don't stop.

What is the best advice that you have ever been given when it comes to writing?
Don't worry about anything with the first draft.

Do you ever write in your PJ’s?

I think I write most often in my Pj's. My favorite are my red polar bear ones.

Cats or dogs?


Coffee or tea?

Both. I prefer coffee first thing in the morning. I grew up drinking tea.

Favorite food?

American :) I miss a lot of American foods living overseas.

Vanilla or chocolate icecream?


What do you normally eat for breakfast?

Coffee, granola bar or cereal. On the weekends I have french toast.

What are 4 things you never leave home without?

Toddler, iPhone, money, and wipes.

Laptop or desktop for writing?

MacBook Air.

Where and when do you prefer to do your writing?

I don't really have a preference anymore. Whenever I can find quiet time works.

One of your favorite quotes -

You cannot open a book without learning something.

An actor you have a crush on -

I don't really have crushes on celebrities. They're just normal people like us. But I DO have a crush on the characters, Batman, The Punisher, Thor, and I'm sure there are more. 

Patti Says:  Oh yes Thor, an Aussie Lad!

What is a movie or TV show that you watched recently and really enjoyed?

The Secret Circle. It was really good.

Where can your readers stalk you?

Twitter: juliacrane2



Is your book in Print, ebook or both? Coexist is in both, Conflicted just ebook so far.

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview with me and allowing us a glimpse into your writing word.   I hope you share this interview with your friends so we can all get to know you a little better.  Patti

My name is Kim And I am a blogger! This is my blog - Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Hi Kim, where were you born and where do you call home? I was born in Haddon Heights, NJ but make my home in the Midwest now.

How long have you been blogging? I've been blogging since the end of July. I was posting reviews on Goodreads and B&N. I belonged to a lot of online book clubs and someone suggested I create a book review blog.

What is the name of the book you most recently blogged about? I just finished Canyons of the Night by Jayne Castle (Krentz)

What did you think about the cover? There are two covers for this book. One has a woman clad in leather and the other shows her face. I like the 2nd.

If you could ask the Author 3 questions what would they be?
I have actually asked her a few questions on B&N Romance board. I would just like to chat with her about where she gets her ideas and what will happen next. I am very excited about the Rainshadow storyline.

Can you name one of your favorite chapters? When I get my hands on one of her books, I complete immerse myself in it. I usually read the book in 24 hrs and sometimes go without sleep.

If this book was part of a series, would you read the next book? Actually this book is #12 in the Arcane Society series and book #3 of the Looking Glass Trilogy

Was this a book you were asked to review or did you buy it? I preordered it!

Have you written a book yourself or are you planning to in the future? No, I am not a novelist, although the idea of it sounds romantic. I think, I will just continue to share my love of reading by reviewing them.

What genre is your favorite and why? 5 yrs ago I would have said historical romance and mystery. Today I read books from every genre..from non-fiction to science fiction.
I am partial to paranormal and urban fantasy though ;)

If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what 3 books would you want with you?
First, I hope there are coffee plants on this island. Gosh, this is so tough. I would probably bring a few classics one from Jane Austen, Charles Dickens and Mark Twain

Is there an Author that you would really like to meet? I’d love to have coffee with Kat Richardson. I love her Greywalker series

Do you prefer eBooks, paperbacks or hardcover? I love them all, but since getting my Nook, I’ve been buying a lot of eBooks

Where do you prefer to buy your books? I am pretty faithful to B&N, but I do shop at Amazon and Smashwords

Have you ever read a book more than once? Oh yes

Is there a particular movie or TV series that you preferred over the book version? Nope, I am usually disappointed by the movie. The author’s words and my imagination are so much better.

What book are you currently reading and in what format (eBook/paperback/hardcover)? I am currently reading an ARC of The Baker’s Wife by Erin Healy for Book Sneeze.

What book are you about to start reading? I am very excited about my next read, it is a purchase I made for myself.  Black Prism by Brent Weeks. I am told if you loved The Passage by Justin Cronin ,you will love this book.

Patti Says:  I will have to remember that - I really did enjoy the Passage.

What book do you know that you will never read? I haven’t come across one I would refuse to read. I would imagine anything written by an extremist.

Are there any new Authors that have grasped your interest recently and why?
I read Cross By T.S. Worley recently. The book had my emotions all over the place, and sometimes that’s a good thing.

Have you read a book that you would like to rewrite the ending of? No, I have sometimes been angry by an ending or felt like I wanted answers and was left hanging. Reflecting back, I realized these books spoke to me, made me think and ultimately gave me a good reading experience.

What are your thoughts on book trailers? Love them!

Do you ever blog in your PJ’s? yes, especially in the winter when the mornings are dark and cold

Sleep in or get up early? Up early

Pet peeves?  Rude people

What is on your Christmas wish list? A nook color

If you could plan the perfect holiday, what would it be?
I would be surrounded by all my family, and it would be snowing lightly.

How often do you blog? I try to blog 2 book reviews a week

How many books do you read in a month - roughly? I average about 200 books a year so about 2 to 3 books a week.

Favorite color? green

What are 5 items you never leave home without. Cell phone, chap stick, nook, driver’s license and a cup of Joe

What is your most favorite electronic gadget? My nook

Favorite book character or film character crush.  Yes you can pick 3 :)
Mr. Darcy
Bones (Half-way to the Grave by Jeanne Frost)
Dean (character from Supernatural TV show)
A character you love to hate.
Cats or dogs? Love them both, but we have a turtle, rat and a lion-headed bunny

White wine or red? Red

Coffee or tea? Coffee. In my opinion the greatest drink ever made

Favorite food? Italian

Vanilla or chocolate ice cream? Vanilla bean

What is a movie or TV show that you watched recently and really enjoyed? Fringe and Alphas

Where can we STALK you?

Other: kimba88 on B&N book clubs

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview with me and allowing us a glimpse into your blogging world.   Thank you for sharing and thank you for blogging.  Patti

Patti, thank you for having me.  Keep writing and blogging. Kimberly

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